giCentre @ IEEE VIS 2017

We have 3 InfoVis, 3 VAST, 1 TVCG, and 2 CG&A papers that will be presented at IEEE VIS 2017 in Phoenix early October. We also have 2 InfoVis posters, one of which was awarded Best Poster Honorable mention, one award winning VAST Challenge entry. We are also involved with a panel on design studies, the BioVis Challenge, and the Velo Club de VIS Meetup and bike ride.

The full list of our contributions, pre-prints, data sets, movies and other materials are available for download at our vis2017 page.

Research Grant Success

Cagatay Turkay has been awarded a prestigious grant by The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under their First-Grant scheme. The funding is for the project titled “NlViS: Natural Language Interaction for Visual Data Analysis” that will commence September 2017 for a duration of 18 months until February 2019.

The project will investigate ways to advance exploratory data analysis methodologies through novel combinations of interactive visualisations and natural language understanding. The project will be asking fundamental questions on how analysts make inferences from visual representations to develop an in-depth understanding of how exploratory visual data analysis processes are executed. Further details of the project can be found on the project page.