Rewiring science-policy with visual information design

Jason Dykes has co-authored a piece on the role of visualization in developing policy from scientific findings with Owen Gaffney of the Future Earth Media LabGreg McInerny of the University of WarwickDenise Young of the International Council For Science and Marian Dörk of Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.

The article presents arguments for increasing communication between scientists policy makers and designers and supporting mechanisms both for achieving this and developing visual literacy. It contains links to some interesting visualization examples.

The ideas came out of Greg's excellent multi-disciplinary EcoViz working group on science, technology and design.

Prize for Pressing Poster

As Juergen Klopp's high tempo counter-pressing strategy shoots Liverpool FC towards the top of the Premier League, Gennady and Natalia have been awarded the Best Poster Award at VAST 2016 for their work on Exploring Pressure in Football.

Their collaboration with the DFL (Deutsche Fussball Liga) generates new statistics on pressing and visualizes these as they evolve through a match and across the pitch. The graphics enable football analysts to interact with the data and explore the patterns of pressing - with Klopp's former charges at Borussia Dortmund the focus of some of the Andrienko's research.

A full paper describing the work has been conditionally accepted for the journal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery and should appear early next year. By which time, Liverpool may be flying even higher in the league table?

Tour de TypeFace

A few of us headed to the Ditchling Museum of Art+Craft to see the  Underground Exhibition on Edward Johnston's calligraphy.

We cycled as a nice day was forecast and it's and National Cycle Challenge month and CITY has entered.

We took in much of the London-Brighton route, enjoyed high tide and stormy seas along the Undercliff between Brighton and Rottingdean and ended up at the beach in the evening.