Visual Analytics Award

Jo Wood has won an award for Outstanding Presentation of Patterns in Context in the VAST Challenge 2016 - Mini Challenge 2.

Jo developed visual analytics methods to show patterns in a steady stream of simulated operations data. These include smart building sensor data and locations recorded by 'prox cards' that monitor the movement of staff members in a 3-storey building. The analysis is intended to identify security issues and safeguard employees and demonstrates the kind of interactive designs or analysis that we produce at the giCentre.

Click to see the Visual Analytics approach described in a short video ...

Click to see the Visual Analytics approach described in a short video ...

Jo's specific approach is explained in a short video and his results will be presented, and award  received, at the IEEE VIS conference in Baltimore in October 2016.

Data Driven Storytelling

Jo Wood and Jason Dykes attended Dagstuhl 16061 on Data Driven Storytelling.

The meeting was coordinated by Sheelagh Carpendale (University of Calgary, CA), Nick Diakopoulos (University of Maryland, US), Nathalie Henry Riche (Microsoft Research, US) and Christophe Hurter (ENAC, FR) - all on the front row. It brought together key researchers in visualization and journalism from academic and industry.

Jo presented his work on the One Year Time Trial including his graphic depiction of Steve Abrahams' year of day and night riding.

Jason presented some ideas on self-expanatory exploratory interfaces, though he was better at producing examples of bad cases of various forms than good ones.

Participants in the Data Driven Storytelling workshop, Dagstuhl February 2016. 

IEEEVIS - Research, Recognition, Exhibition

Jo Wood and Sarah Goodwin presented giCentre work in lavish surroundings at IEEE VIS 2015, held in the Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, Illinois.

Visualizing Personal Progress in Participatory Sports Cycling Events - Wood (2015)

Visualizing Personal Progress in Participatory Sports Cycling Events - Wood (2015)

Jason Dykes was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for outstanding performance as Conference Chair at IEEE VIS 2014 at the conference banquet.

Jo Wood's We Become the City  was showcased at 'Data Improvisations' an exhibition of innovative work exploring intersections between art and visualization. The exhibition took place at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Data Improvisations