Hello Mai!

We welcome Mai Elshehaly as a Lecturer in Visualisation at the giCentre.

Mai designs, develops and evaluates visual analytics for population health management with a particular interest in the role of routine data and digital footprints in decision-making.

An Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Wolfson Centre for Applied Health Research, Mai leads the visualisation stream at the Yorkshire and Humber Patient Safety Research Centre. She works closely with colleagues at local authorities and several partner organisations to deliver data literacy to over 30,000 young citizens in Bradford.

Mai received a PhD in Computer Science from the Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Virginia Tech, with a focus on scientific data visualisation. Her postdoctoral  research experience included NSF- and NIHR-funded fellowships at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and University of Leeds.

Check Mai’s publications to find out more about her exciting work in visualization and public health.
