Spatially arranged treemaps.
The treeMappa software allows you to draw 2d hierarchical bar charts - treemaps - either in Processing or as a stand-alone application. It improves on other treemap software in allowing a high degree of customisation and a variety of layouts including spatial treemaps for geospatial data.
Current release - V. 3.3.0 (18th April, 2016).
Source code - available from github along with latest pre-release updates.
For use with Processing - Unzip into the 'libraries' folder of your processing sketchbook.
Getting started - See using treeMappa to get going.
Reference - Detailed information about the geoMap classes in the API reference, which is also included in 'reference' folder of the library.
Platform - MacOS X, Windows, Linux
Processing - Compatible with Processing V3.x
Dependencies - None.
Keywords - mapping, treemaps, hierarchical data, information visualization.