Jason Dykes designs maps and graphics that help us detect structure, trends and nuance in complex data sets.

This work is inspired by technology, data and people and their challenges.

He produces design concepts, assesses peoples’ capabilities with maps and graphics, and theorises about ways that we can generate reliable knowledge through applied research to understand graphics and improve our use of them.

Jason’s early ideas were embodied in the cartographic data visualizer - cdv - which appears in the Milestones in the History of Thematic Cartography, Statistical Graphics and Data Visualization and panoraMap which linked geo-referenced digital photography to maps and exploratory data analysis. 

Since then, he has worked with many colleagues to produce research papers that contribute towards this aim. You can access and find out more through City’s Repository, Google scholar and the DPLB Computer Science Bibliography.

giCentre, room A401e, Computer Science

CITY, University of London, EC1V 0HB

020 7040 8906
