giCentre Utilities
A collection of utilities to assist creating data visualization sketches with Processing.
Packages in the library include colour utilities, statistical graphics, morphing classes, spatial utilities and map projections, text input/output classes and particle simulation. All are fully documented with example sketches to illustrate how to use them in your own Processing code.
Current release - V3.4.0 (6th February, 2016).
Archive of older versions and major changes since the previous release.
in Processing 3 - use the contributed library manager within Processing to install the library
In Processing 2 or older - Unzip into the 'libraries' folder of your processing sketchbook.
Charts - creating bar charts, scatterplots and line charts.
Collision detection - How to rapidly detect proximity to many objects using hash grids.
Colour - How to create custom colour tables and use alternative colour spaces.
Easing - Creating animated transitions and other transitional effects with easing.
Ellipses - Summarising point distribution with standard ellipses.
Map projections - Transforming between different global map projections.
Timer - Timing sketch performance for efficient Processing design.
Zoomer - Easy interactive zooming and panning around a sketch.
Reference - for full details of the gicentreUtils classes, see the API reference, which is also included in 'reference' folder of the library.
Platform - MacOS X, Windows, Linux
Processing - Compatible with versions 1.5.x to 3.x (for Processing 2 or older, use
Dependencies - None.
Keywords - data visualization; information visualization; geospatial.
For queries about the library see the Processing forum or email us: gicentre 'at'