Le Tour de VIS 2014  took place on Saturday 15th November  with a morning start (approx 9:30) and a mid-afternoon finish. 

Wesley Willett was Directeur Sportif for the 2014 Tour and tok us on a circuit from the conference hotel of just under 75km with about 850m of climbing.

The route began at the Marriott Rive Gauche, before heading south on the Coulee Verte bike path out of the City. It then followed quiet roads, cycle trails and occasional forest paths over mixed terrain before heading back in to Paris. It took in a couple of chateaux, including the Château de Versailles, and plenty of villages and countryside. And we got to cycle over the Seine and right past Le Tour Eiffel. Great!

We stopped for food and drink at the Château de Versailles, which has a boulangerie. We also scheduled a stop at the AVIS lab at INRIA, where Jean-Daniel and colleagues provided bags of bananas.


The route and event details were agreed and confirmed at a MeetUp at IEEE VIS 2014 in Paris.


You can see pictures on Twitter at #LeTourDeVIS.


You can see the route below and download from Strava : http://www.strava.com/routes/880150


Participants in the inaugural Tour de VIS were asked to ...

  1. check the Terms of Reference
  2. use our Sign-Up Doodle - add your name and edit your entry when you have a bike confirmed
  3. send us an e-mail to veloclubdevis@gmail 
  4. train up or down depending on current fitness - remember, 75km at 20 kmh
  5. be sure to come to the MeetUp at IEEE VIS


Here's where we went ... at 20kmh / 12.5 mph

Le Tour de VIS 2014 - provisional route from conference hotel [updated 141030]

Check here for updates ... [last update 1411120]

VELO CLUB        TERMS        BIKES        JERSEY        LE TOUR DE VIS        LE TOUR 2014